Monday, February 27, 2012

30 days in training

Welcome to 30 days in the life of a first-time triathlete. I'm joining my ENG 1oh!4 classes as they embark on a 30-day immersion blog. I'm taking this opportunity to join two of my interests: writing and training. As some of you may know I've run a handful of half marathons and marathons during the past few years. This year, I'm going one step farther and training for my first triathlon, the Munice Ironman 70.3. By the end of thirty days (March 27) my goal is to swim half a mile, bike 20 miles, and run 6 miles. Follow my progress during the next month right here on Greene Machine.


  1. Nice work Kat Greene! Are you planning to do a sprint or olympic tri in may or June in prep for your big race? I love your goal setting! So much easier with mini-goals to focus on along the way.

  2. I hadn't thought of that but it's a great idea! Any suggestions, Lisa?
